Friday, June 10, 2011

Final - Assessment

Assessment of Student Performance

Students will be informally assessed when they present their work to the class using the Smartboard.

Station 1/Bee facts: Students must have an appropriate number of interesting facts for their group and time. At least 1 fact per number of group members.

Station 2/Video: Students will be not be assessed watching the video.

Station 3/Life Cycle Stages: Students must show have put the 4 stages of the bee life cycle in the correct order and labeled each stage correctly: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Station 4/bee body: Students must create a bee with a body that has 3 main parts and labeled head, thorax, and abdomen.

See Rubric for Station 3 and 4

The technology standards will be informally assessed by observing if students can type facts into a google document and if they can use the Smartboard to match the bee life cycle and its correct vocabulary.

The next day students will be assessed with a bee quiz asking them to draw and label the 3 main parts of a bee and the 4 life cycle stages.

Back-Lesson Structure

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