Friday, June 10, 2011

Google Docs and Collaboration

I can think of many ways google docs can foster collaboration. For example, between classmates and colleagues google docs can be a way to share lesson ideas and lesson plans. It can also foster a way to edit classmates and colleagues work.

As an instructor, I think google docs can be a valuable way to have students work on group projects. Not only will students learn how to cooperate together as a group, they learn how to publish something together, and have their work displayed on the internet for any one to see. I think students will be excited to think their work might be used by someone else.

Google docs addresses the teaching standard: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments by using and encouraging your students to become comfortable working collaboratively on cloud based projects.

Below is a link to a published google doc that I created for a classmate and I to work collaboratively on an assessment project.

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