Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Future of Now

"Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0" explained that Web 1.0 gave us information, and Web 2.0 created interaction with its users (i.e. such as sites as youtube, wikipedia, myspace, facebook, and linkin). They also introduced the extension of Web 2.0 - Web 3.0.  This new web system is already successfully being used by companies such as Amazon, LastFM, and Pandora and will allow the computer systems themselves to interact with each other. Although this convenience will meet our individual needs in an exciting way, I think it will be important to teach students how this system works so that they can ensure that it meets their individual needs accurately. The video also alluded to what implication this will have for society or rather what people will do when everything becomes automated. I think future generations will continue to be creative job creators, however, I have to wonder if all this technology will really give us the free time they anticipate? As more technology is introduced, I'm finding that we are actually expected to accomplish more in less time, not the other way around. I think it will be important for educators to teach students how to use technology and also how to turn off or "tune out" so that they have balance in their lives.
The "Students Today" video reminded me that students have shifted away from reading traditional books and spend more time reading websites and even more time on social networking sites. I wasn't so surprised by the website use because most of us use the web more than books today. However, I was surprised at how much time students spent on social networking sites! 
The end of this video pointed out that this generation did not create the problems of today. Doesn't every generation says that? I don't think that war, ethnic conflict, hunger, etc. are new, but rather the internet and other medias have increased our awareness of them. This awareness and connectedness gives all of us a voice and the tools that will hopefully help us collaborate to solve many of these problems. As a teacher, I realize that it will be important to incorporate multiple medias to engage my students and encourage them to use multiple media in responsible ways.
The "Did You Know" video suggested that with population growth, education (and I believe work ethic) the U.S. will soon be surpassed by either India or China as the world's superpower. The video also reminded us that technology is growing exponentially. While I do agree, I can't imagine a computer ever exceeding the capabilities of the human brain. I know there are computers with more memory and processing speeds that the human brain, but I believe there are intangibles that a computer will never be able to truly mimic. While it's true that computers will be able to solve many problems, they won't be able to use emotions to make important life decisions. Overall, I think the video does raise an important question----will our students be literate in the 21st century? I think the fact that we have to ask the question gives us the answer.
Web 4.0 explained that the media landscape will be altered and will change the way people behave. They suggested that with this exponential convergence a larger audience can be reached, but it will be harder to really connect on a deep level. I see evidence of this already. Teens spend so much time "socializing" on social media sites and text messaging that they have lost some of their face-to-face interpersonal skills. What provides you with more meaning and satisfaction---going to coffee with one true friend or Facebooking with 300?  I think this trend will continue until it gets so bad that the pendulum swings, and people start preferring more face-to-face interaction again, much like the food revolution has encouraged a resurgence in the quality food versus empty calories. As a teacher, I think it will be my job to encourage technology and traditional interaction as well.

I think the future of technology offers great opportunities to reduce illiteracy, hunger, and poverty. However, with this opportunity students need to understand that as the world becomes more flat and equal they will be competing globally and will need to work harder for what they want.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the strides made in technology are coming at the expense of our social skills in some cases. A lot of times people will interact a lot on the internet, but not in "real life," as if being online gives them the anonymity they need in order to feel comfortable. I think we really need to make sure our students maintain their social skills.
