Friday, May 27, 2011

RSS Feeds

    This was my first time to set up my RSS feed and I love it! I knew this feature existed, but hadn't taken the time to set it up yet and I'm glad I finally did! This will be a great way for me to keep up with the latest postings about things that interest me: news (cnn), weather (, gardening (urban chickens and organic gardening), teaching (teachertube and Laura Candler), decorating (apartment therapy), movies (internet movie database), and friend's blogs (photography and crafting) I continually intend to check.....but don't always get around to it. I think the RSS feature will also be useful in the classroom allowing me to keep up with sites and blogs that interest my students. Further, I can use the smartboard to display updates that are relevant to my lessons and/or our lives giving me alternative ways to connect with my students and make class more interesting. 
    The RSS feed tool can encourage my professional growth and leadership by connecting me to different educators and professional sites and/or blogs. Lastly, the RSS feed can help me stay connected to things that I'm interested in outside of teaching and reduce stress.  

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